
Product and process reengineering 

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Not always the result is expected when it comes to developing a new product or new process, because new unknown variables can prevent to achieve the expected result.
In an industrial production process, different professionals involved in the development of the necessary components, such as automation, tooling, machines and facilities. The perfect balance in the performance of each of the elements, properly scaled and adjusted, will determine the outcome.
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Discovering the imbalances and diagnose the reasons of failure, requires broad and varied knowledge, but also a lot of experience. To understand the signs that indicate and locate the problems, it is necessary to study, training and dedication.
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Once diagnosed the problems, know how to fix them is not for everyone.  Only those professionals with long years of experience in design and development of processes or unpublished and difficult products, are enabled to plan the validation tests and the necessary corrections.
The D&D Enterprises collects more than 40 years in industrial development, new products, new processes and projects a multitude of times diagnosing why things don't work and how to fix them!
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Use the talent and the genius of D&D to hit your goal.

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Machines and Equipament
Control devises
Dimensional devises
Extrusion Projects

Industrial lines
Industrial Layout
Industrial advises

D & D Enterprises Consultoria Industrial Eirele.         +5511999798292      comercial@danddenterprises.com